
Fiverr vs. Upwork | Which platform is better?

Two main platforms for Freelancing where most of the Freelancers work is Fiverr & Upwork. So it's Fiverr vs. Upwork let's see which platform is better for you. We will discuss the pros and cons of both and discuss which platform is better for which type of freelancers. So at the end of this post, your confusion will be cleared and you would get to know both platforms better and will have a clear idea about where to start freelancing or where to put more effort. So keep reading and stick to the end.

fiverr vs upwork fiverr beginner

Photo credits: Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Firstly, we want to explain some things that would help the newbies understand better. You can skip if you know basic stuff like Freelancing.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is selling your skills online on your own. There are many services requires online like writing articles, designing a logo that some people cannot do or are not professionals so what they do is that they hire people online to do things for them and in return pay them. The people who do work are referred to as Freelancers. A freelancer can work from home. There are many websites that let Freelancers find work and connect with buyers. The leading Freelancing websites are Fiverr and Upwork which we are going to compare. If you want to know more Freelancing websites click the link below read in detail.

Best Freelancing Platforms


fiverr logo

Fiverr is a platform or you can say a marketplace for a variety of digital services where people can buy or sell their services. Fiverr was founded in 2010 and right now at the time of posting this article Fiverr has about 138k daily visits which are huge and bring a lot of opportunities for Freelancers. On Fiverr, a gig is sold every 5 seconds. Fiverr is one of the leading Freelancing websites today.


upwork logo


Upwork is a Freelancing website that was formed as a result of a combination of two big Freelancing websites Elance and O-Desk. This was done in 2015 and since then it is a huge platform for Freelancing. At the time of writing this article, Upwork has about 151k daily visits. So Upwork is also a great platform for Freelancing.

Fiverr VS. Upwork 

Now we are going to compare Fiverr and Upwork. But before doing that you should know two different types of Freelancing websites one is Classic and one is Modern.


Classic freelancing websites refer to the websites where buyers post a job and freelancers bid on it and one of the Freelancers is chosen by the buyer and gets the job. It basically works on the bidding mechanism. These websites are Freelancer, Upwork, Guru, PeoplePerHour and many more.


Modern Freelancing websites refer to the websites where seller post a service they can do and buyer buys services from them. This concept was introduced by Fiverr. Later on, many websites implemented this technique like PeoplePerHour which works on both where you can bid on projects and also create a service that people can buy.

I hope you know about classic and modern freelancing websites. So now we proceed further.

Can we compare Fiverr and Upwork? 

The answer is we cannot compare two websites. They both are Freelancing websites and people use both. Some people just like Fiverr others like Upwork and some people use both. It's a personal liking or disliking. Both websites generate millions of revenue every month and a lot of projects are done daily here. Upwork and Fiverr are both successful websites. So the question arises why we are writing this. The answer is simple we want to clear your confusion about this topic. You are searching wrong instead of what you want to know is which website is best for you? From now on we will answer this.

Fiverr is best for these people

Fiverr is based on modern Freelancing as we previously explained. This makes it simple if you are not comfortable bidding on projects you should go for Fiverr. So this way you will have to just make a gig which is a one-time process and that's it. Fiverr is also recommended for beginners as you don't have experience doing Freelancing it is a great platform to get your hands dirty and get some experience. After you become experienced you can move to classic freelancing websites where you can bid on projects and find long-term projects and make more money. In this way, you will also build a portfolio alongside.

Upwork is best for these people

Upwork is based on a bidding system which we called classic freelancing website. Upwork is best for those people who are experts in their field. Like people who have years of experience in their field and have a lot of experience. On Upwork there are bigger projects and more long-term projects. Upwork is also a strict platform like if you don't get enough orders your account can easily get suspended. You just do one step wrong and the account will be suspended. On Upwork you cannot create another account because they verify your identity and can easily detect that you have created another account and suspend your new account. Make a profile on Upwork when you think you are ready.

Final words

I would say that the first thing to do is to fully learn a skill and you should be proficient in your skill. Then start on Fiverr and after some time you can go for Upwork or other platforms. You should not lose hope and just keep trying. You can earn billions of dollars from a simple app or website. So it's all about your vision. A lot of people are earning more than thousand of dollars from Fiverr and Upwork. So the platform doesn't matter it's all about your mindset. If your work is stunning you can earn from any Freelancing website but if you have no skills you cannot earn from any of the websites. Just passionate and keep struggling. Thanks for reading so far. Leave a comment if you have any questions or go to contact us page.


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