
Best Fiverr gig image size | Free PSD template

On Fiverr, the new sellers face many problems and one of them is uploading a perfect sized Fiverr gig image. Fiverr gig image can be uploaded in many sizes but there is a perfect size for Fiverr gig image that will look the best when you upload it to your gig. In this post, I will discuss the best Fiverr gig image size and will also provide a PSD template that I made myself for you guys so you can just directly open that PSD and start designing your Fiverr gig image.

best fiverr gig image size

Best Fiverr gig image size or Dimensions

If you search on the internet about the perfect Fiverr image size you will find many different dimensions from different people. So newbies get confused and end up choosing these dimensions 550 X 370 px because a lot of people are using these dimensions. But for your information, this is not the perfect size for Fiverr gig images. If you use these dimensions your picture will not look perfect in some previews like on Fiverr search page your gig image will be cropped from outside and will hide some details.

What are the Perfect Dimensions for Fiverr gig image then?

Well, the answer is that no one else knows better than Fiverr itself and Fiverr says that the gig image size should be 690 X 426 px at least. you increase the image size while maintaining the aspect ratio. But these dimensions work best and keep the file size smaller which is important because Fiverr has a file size limit of 5 MB for gig images.

Here is a screenshot from Fiverr where they confirm these dimensions for Fiverr Gig Image

fiverr optimal gig image dimensions
 If you want to read this complete article from Fiverr. Click Here

Dimensions: 690 X 426 px
Max size: 5 MB

PSD template for Fiverr Gig Image

Here is a free PSD template by Fiverr Beginner for you guys. Just click the download below and keep this PSD file. Just open the PSD file in Photoshop and start designing the gig image once you are done just save the image in JPEG format and upload it to your gig. So you don't have to worry about dimensions and other settings.


This was it and I hope this template will help you in designing gig image with perfect size. For questions and queries comment down below. Thanks for reading.

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  1. Well , I'm glad to know the exact Dimensions of the fiver Gig Image. What about title and tags. Who can we get Keywords that are searched mostly.
    waiting for your reply or next article on it

    1. Thanks a lot! I will be writing articles on these topics you mentioned. Stay tuned!


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