
Fiverr keyword research to boost gig ranking (3 methods)

Fiverr is the most commonly used Freelancing platform by beginners which increases competition for ranking on the first page. If you are new you may face difficulties ranking your gig on the first page of your target keyword. There are many factors that affect your gig's ranking but the one we are going to discuss in this post is keywords. On Fiverr, keywords play an important role in gig's ranking and it's behavior in the search bar. Keywords are known as tags in Fiverr. Do the Fiverr keyword research properly and boost your gig's ranking. Below I discussed three methods to find good keywords for your gig that will help rank your gig higher.

Fiverr keyword research to boost gig ranking (3 methods)

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Fiverr Keyword or tag Research

Keywords or tags play a vital role in overall SEO. As you may have some knowledge of SEO you would know that Keywords are the basis of search results on any search engine. For example, on Google when you type a query Google takes keywords from your query and matches it to its database and then shows results most relevant to your query. Of course, it's a much complex thing but just take it as an example.
So Fiverr does the same thing with your gigs. You can add up to 5 tags on every gig. These tags are the basis for search results in the Fiverr search bar. Again, Fiverr may have some other complex algorithm but I can say that these tags are very important. So you should not be typing these tags based on whatever comes to your mind. You have to find tags that people are searching for and use them wisely.

Benefits of Keyword Research

As some of you may think why are we wasting time on keyword research? The answer is that there are benefits in the long run that you will experience by time. Here are some of the benefits that you can get by doing keyword research.

  • Improves gig ranking
  • Boost sales
  • Increases engagement on your gig
  • Will give you ideas for what people are looking for

How to do Keyword Research for Fiverr gigs

Now we know the importance of keyword research here comes the fun part where I will tell you three different methods for finding targetted keywords that are trendy and people are looking for. All these three methods use the Fiverr platform and you need to use any external tools or pay for any website. Because Fiverr knows Fiverr better than anyone.

1) Fiverr Search Bar

When you log in to Fiverr you can see the Fiverr homepage which displays some gigs and shows categories. If you are using a seller profile you can click switch to buying which will take you there. Now you the Fiverr search bar just type in your niche, For example, you are making a gig on Video Editing. Just type that in Fiverr search bar and you will start getting keywords people are searching for. Here is a screenshot that will explain it easily.

fiverr keyword research using search bar

Once you have typed your keyword in the search bar and you don't have to press enter after writing your keyword, you will automatically start seeing these keywords which are relevant to your niche. You can write these tags down or pick the once related to your gig. Like there is a keyword in the suggestion saying video editing for weddings, you can use this keyword if you do video editing for a wedding. I hope you get it. This is simple and will help you get keywords. And these keywords are based on what people are searching for and obviously, you want people to buy your services so you can consider these keywords or you can get ideas for your new gig. It can help you a lot.

2) Fiverr Suggestions

The Fiverr suggestion is the second method for keyword research. You never heard of Fiverr suggestions right. If we think logically the first method we used was also Fiverr suggestion but was based on people's searches and now what we are going to see is keywords suggested by Fiverr. You don't have to do any additional thing once you have taken keywords out from the first step, you just have to press enter or click search after entering your keyword. I will use video editing as an example search. Here is a screenshot that will help you.

fiverr suggestion for keywords

Once you search your keyword just below it and next to Suggested you will keywords suggested by Fiverr related to the query you entered in the search. You can get keyword suggestions from there and use the ones that are relevant to your gig.

3) Other gigs

This is the third method to find good keywords or tags for your gig. You can search for a keyword. consider video editing and once you see gigs from other people. You can click the ones ranked on the first page and are related to your gig. On the gig page at the very end just below their reviews, you will see the tags they are using, these tags are also good because their gig is ranking on the first page. Of course, there will be other factors but these tags are playing an important role. You can get ideas from there. Here is a screenshot that will help you navigate.

top sellers keywords on fiverr

These are the related tags. You can get ideas from these tags. And also see what tags are your competitors using.


I don't recommend copying other's tags but you can use this method to get ideas and never copy exact tags someone is using.

Bonus Tip

Here is a bonus tip for finding good keywords. When you are creating a gig and when you enter tags that place where you enter tags also gives you suggestions you can use those keywords also. Here is a screenshot that will help.

keyword research on fiverr using tags

Here are the keywords also. But use them only if you cannot find good keywords from the above three methods. Also, you can use this method to confirm the keywords that you have searched they will appear here which means they are good keywords.

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In the End

So this was all about Fiverr keyword research for ranking your gig. I shared three methods you can use to find good keywords or tags for your gig and this will really help. I hope you liked this article. Please share this article with your friends and help them because sharing is caring. If you have any queries just comment down below or email us by going to contact us page. Thanks a lot for reading this far.

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