
Rank your Fiverr gig on the first page in 2020 | Step by step guide

One of the biggest problems freelancers face is that their gig on Fiverr is not ranked which means their gig doesn't get traffic. So if you have recently started selling on Fiverr or even you are already selling I will teach you how to rank your Fiverr gig on the first page in 2020 step by step. As the new year starts it brings changes so do the algorithms and websites change, So you have to update yourself and strategies to compete. If you don't change your approach with new changes you are not going to get your gigs ranked. Keep reading and we will learn something new today. And I hope it will boost your gigs.

rank fiverr gig fiverr beginner

Fiverr gig ranking depends on many things and there are many factors we don't exactly know what those factors are because it's a secret kept by the search engines and only the bots know that algorithm. But there are many things we can do and results can be seen after those steps. We will discuss the steps that are necessary and then some additional steps that are a must to rank your gig in 2020.

If you haven't started on Fiverr here is a post that will help you set up your account and basic things. Must read it: How to sell your services on Fiverr

Basic Gig settings

The first main thing is to make a perfect gig on Fiverr. By perfect I mean to choose an SEO friendly and keyword-rich title, Put correct tags, add a detailed description and easy to read with keywords related to the services you offer, and choosing an attractive gallery.


For the Title make sure you have an attractive title that is based on one main keyword and it not too much longer. The title is very important and difficult to choose because it is for the search algorithm plus the buyers. I mean the title is going to be used to rank your gigs and also buyers will read your title and if your title is good enough for the search engine but it doesn't make any sense to the user then it's not going to get you orders. Keep one thing in mind your title should be interesting so users click on your gig after seeing the title. Here are some examples of good titles;

For Logo Design gig:

I will design a compelling logo for your business

For more examples go to Fiverr search box and type in your service and you can see titles of the top-selling gigs that are ranked on the first page.



Tags are very important in ranking a Fiverr gig. Tags tell the search engine that this gig is about these keywords and it places your gig for the search results of relevant tags. On Fiverr, you can put up to 5 tags which are good because it's to the point and short and only important tags get placed. For tags, we recommend searching a main keyword related to your service and then you get suggestions based on the keyword. You can use them in your gig tags. Below is the picture where you can see suggested tags.

fiverr suggested tags example video editing fiverr beginner

Another method is to visit other gigs that are ranked and see the tags they are using and you can get an idea of what tags you should use. We don't recommend copying someone else's tags but you can get idea from there. Just scroll to the bottom of the gig page and there are tags as shown in the screenshot below;

see tags of any gig


The description is the main thing to focus on because it contains more info about your gig and basically more keywords. You can enter a description of up to 1200 characters which is enough to cover details and use keywords or tags. Once again keep in mind your description should be for both the search engine and the user. In the description, you cannot repeat a keyword more than thrice. So use this opportunity wisely use the main keyword once in the beginning, once in the middle and once in the end. You can use other suggested keywords or related keywords in the description. Make sure your description matches with your title and your tags. And try to use the 1200 character limit as good as possible. Write a longer description but don't make a mess and keep it structured.

Here is an example of a description based on Photo editing gig:
A photo speaks a thousand words but only if it is perfect? Are your photos perfect?

The photos we take are not perfect all the time. They may need some editing. All you need is a Photoshop expert who can professionally do Photo editing and photo retouching.

I am a photoshop expert with years of experience in photo editing & photo retouching. I can make your photos perfect and flawless.

Services I offer:-
  • Photo Editing (any type)
  • Photo Retouching (High-end)
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Product Editing
  • Clear/smooth skin
  • Facial manipulation
  • Background Removal
  • Remove unwanted objects
  • Merge photos
  • Color Correction
  • Brightness/Contrast adjustment
  • Add objects
  • Anything else ...

What will you get:
  • Photos edited Professionally
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Express Delivery
  • Pixel perfect editing

If you have any special request just message me and we can discuss.

[I can offer some discount if you have more than 5 images to be edited, just make sure to contact me before placing the order.]

Customer satisfaction is my first priority. So you don't have to worry.

Your Photos are one button away from getting perfect.

It will be fun!

One tip is to use bold and highlight feature to point out some important things. As long as you follow these steps you are good to go.


The gallery is like the front of your gig and a gallery gives life to your gig. In the gallery, there is an option to upload three images, one video, and two PDF files. Based on your category you can utilize the gallery. For example, your category is Video editing then you should upload a video that you have edited or a video that explains your service and shows your video editing skills. You get the point. One cool thing you can do with pictures is to put your gig title as the name of the picture. Upload attractive pictures and make sure they are of high quality. Use good colors and you are good to go.

Keep experimenting new gig settings

The worst thing you can do to your gig is forgotten it. For example, you created a gig with perfect setting and keywords but you just forget it after creating it then it's not going to rank you have to take care of it keep checking what's new and experiment different titles, add new tags and keep track of your gig. Keep doing research on your competitor's gigs. You don't have to change your gig every day just keep track of it and maybe change it after month. When you keep your gig up to date Fiverr thinks that you are serious about your gig because every time they crawl your gig it is better optimized. Once you start getting orders this step gets less important. If your gig is doing great then think before messing up with your gig settings.

Share your gig on social media

Social media is used widely and will be used more in 2020 as we all know. Social media has become an essential part of our lives. Almost everyone has a social account and uses it daily. This brings a great opportunity for selling your services. There are many people on social media who would buy your service on Fiverr but they are on social media how would they know about you? The answer is simple to share your gigs on social media. If you have a social media account with a big audience or maybe little it will help. If you share your Fiverr gig on social media accounts even if you have a small audience there chances you will get some clicks and people will visit your gig and maybe some of them buy your service. This will also benefit you even if someone who clicked on your gig doesn't buy your service because it will be counted as a social click and improves your gig ranking.

a phone showing downloaded social media apps

Here are some social media to drive more traffic to your gig.

Facebook Page

You can create a facebook fan page or niche related facebook page where you share some posts daily and one you have good engagement on your page you can share your gig on that facebook page. You can also share your projects on that page and it will also serve as a portfolio.

Instagram niche account

On Instagram, you can also create an account related to the services you offer and post some content and once you get some followers you can share your gig link or your profile link in your website section because on Instagram website section is the only place where links are clickable. In the post captions, you can wite text like link in bio so users will know that link is in your profile. Instagram is good for graphic designers because on Instagram only pictures are posted and that's what you create.

Twitter account

The same strategy is with Twitter you have to tweet instead of post and use hashtags to get your post seen by a large audience. On Twitter, you can see trending topics and if it is related to your gig you can share your gig in that hashtag and chances are you will get a lot of traffic from there.

Other social media website

We are not restricting you to the above mentioned social media. You can use any social media depending on your choice or use multiple ones so there are more chances of getting more audience to see your gig.

Use Fiverr

You can also buy shoutouts from big social media accounts using Fiverr. Just search for shoutout on Fiverr and you will see a lot of gigs offering social media promotion. Just select a gig that offers a better engagement ratio and the social media account niche is related to your gig. You can buy a shoutout starting from 5$ depending on the audience.


Please note that we don't recommend spamming on any social media. Instead, try to build an audience with legit methods and strategies. Which will benefit you in the long run.


So this was step by step guide on How to rank your Fiverr gig on the first page in 2020. I hope you liked it and it will boost your gig ranking. If you have any queries or questions just comment below or go to contact us page and surely we will help you out. If you want me to write on a certain topic just make sure to leave your suggestion below. Thanks for reading so far.


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